Reffing ComedySportz®
The Ultimate Guide to Whistling While You Work

Everything You Wanted to Know About
Becoming a ComedySportz Referee

(And More)

Embarking on your ref journey or aiming to elevate your skills? This indispensable guide unveils the secrets to becoming an exceptional ComedySportz referee, ensuring non-stop laughter and a seamlessly orchestrated match.

From preparation and game-calling techniques to engaging fans and developing your unique ref persona, you’ll transform from novice to knockout. Featuring anecdotes and insights from over a dozen seasoned ComedySportz refs, you'll not only learn, but also be entertained along the way.

Written by Andrew Berkowitz, veteran player, ref and coach with ComedySportz Portland.

"I found myself saying 'Yes' aloud
many times while reading it. I'm in awe."

– Dick Chudnow
Founder, ComedySportz